Hi there! I’m your Bubble Buddy. Use me to grate organic soap bars instead of buying all kinds of liquid soap in plastic bottles and soap dispensers. Now don’t get me wrong, plastic is a really cool modern material – used in the right way and in the right place. Like me, for instance: recycled plastic! But humans are throwing away so much plastic which ends up in our sewage, our rivers, and seas. And that’s not cool at all. Together, you and I can cut down on plastic bottles in your home. Isn’t that a ‘grate’ start?
Maandag: Gesloten
Dinsdag-vrijdag: 10u – 17.30u
Zaterdag: 10u – 17u
Zondag: 12u – 17u (iedere laatste zondag van de maand)
Walstraat 95
4381 GG Vlissingen
Tel: 06 – 270 625 27
Mail: winkel@labellacucina.nl
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